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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Don Lemon -- CNN Uncle Tom Turncoat Bastard

I am a 54 year old black man born in a still, to this day, small town in 1959 on coastal North Carolina. The racism I experienced in my youth was overt, KKK dangerous, in my face and forced upon me by racist North Carolina Brunswick County haters of Negros. The word Nigger was used by EVERY white person I came into contact with back then... including children, teachers, the white people across the road, the folks in the grocery store, the police and anyone else white. Calling a black person Nigger, or "NIGRAH" as the phonetic sound forms from white lips, is ingrained in my memory.

Spitting on me also was a common occurrence. I, to this day, hope and pray that a white man spits on me so that I can justify beating a white man to a pulp -- exercising the spit demon living inside me.

And when I see Uncle Tom bastards like CNN's Don Lemon agreeing with the overt likes of Bill O’Reilly… I want to ram my head through the pretentious crystal house he lives in.

Why is Bill O'Reilly commentating on blackness anyway? What normal black man will take advice from that nigger hating bastard?

Don Lemon, apparently! What a dick, he is! As a supposedly smart commentator, or whatever he, Lemon, calls himself, he can’t devise a better way to come at black people than to agree with that racist prick O’Reilly? Has Lemon ever listened to O'Reilly's show? O'Reilly believes black people are jungle savages who cannot eat with a fork and spoon... and are raping America and repopulating it with Nigger monsters!

I do not respect Lemon and I'll never listen to his Uncle Tom commentary again. He is dead to me! And, I am slowly losing my respect for CNN, too. Having one of your commentators agreeing with the racist bastard Bill O'Reilly of FOX NEWS... on CNN time on the television broadcast for millions of people to see, hear and form a negative opinion about CNN because of this turncoat bastard should be sacrilege to CNN. You can bet FOX NEWS would not tolerate one of its hate mongers agreeing with a anti-Fox News CNN opinion.

Believe that, CNN!


Saturday, July 20, 2013


Trayvon Martin’s friend, Rachael Jeantel, she who was talking on the cell phone with him  right before George Zimmerman murdered him… has caused quite a stir with her persona.  99% of black people absolutely understand every word, context, subtext, nuance and anything else the naysayer’s have to complain about her. Black people understand that black people come from ALL kinds of differences… and Rachael Jeantel represents the epitome of why people MUST get over themselves and realize that you have to listen with open ears and mind to EVERYBODY! Wars, and fights, begin because snotty arrogant intolerant people refuse to give other people a second listen if they do not understand them the first time!

I wrote the below poem in 2012! When Rachael Jeantel gave America a lesson in street language, and the race assassins out there began to shoot their arrows at her, I knew I had to repost this missive.

I am a 54 year old man who will fight ANY GODDAMN BODY who gets in my face and tells me what I have to do with my word NIGGER! Shut the fuck up, don’t you worry about me using that word and go on to the next subject! Just you remember this… if you are not American black, and you use that word in my presence… you MIGHT be assaulted! You would only use that word in my earshot because you WANT a confrontation… and you might get it!


I find it shocking that there are some black people, 
And a lot of white people, 
Commenting on the ‘use of this word’ story who seem to believe that... 
Because some black people use the word Nigger (Nigga) among themselves, 
Then it is OK for white people to use the word to describe black people. 
That is absolutely patently twisted and absurd logic. 

Hey, America at large…
White people of America! 
Understand this piece of advice -- 
The upper majority of black Americans do not want white Americans calling them, 
Or using, that word! 
And, I dare to say, 
As a 52 year old black man who can be radical when I am pushed to the racial edge, 
I will declare this to the world -- 
BLACK AMERICANS NEVER UTTER THE WORD NIGGER IN THEIR LIFE SPAN. Most black people find the very notion of that word offensive… 
At the core of their souls. 
And they do not use the word!

The media at large has always painted black Americans as all of one mind. 
That is crazy talk. 
Our opinions about everything vary greatly from person to person. 
And the use of the word Nigger is also a dividing topic. 

It is a small minority of black people who use that word. 
Certain black entertainers  in the music industry use the word. 
Not all black music entertainers, mind you. 
Certain black athletes will use the word. 
Not all of them. 
Same for actors, authors, carpenters, electricians, and everyone else! 
Just because a few black people own and use that word, 
That does not mean it is accepted by the black population at large! 
And it is absolutely not acceptable for white people to use the word… 
Under just about any circumstance.

There is a recent phenomena virus infecting some conservative,
Self hating and race hating blacks,
Who believe they must speak out to tell white America…
Go on and use the word Nigger --
You’re not affecting me by using that word!
A black person giving white people… 
A pass when they use the word Nigger in its derogatory term is disgraceful behavior. Shame on you for your out-of-touch with your race’s reality mentality… 
And your obvious ignorance of the importance of self-respectability!
You, race self-hater, do not use the word… fine!
You giving a pass to the oppressors who created black on black hell on earth?
Shame on you!

But for black people who understand the history of the word Nigger?
But for black people who have suffered under the weight of American life?
But for people who have beaten on, spit at, bitten by police dogs…
Sprayed with water cannons, lynched, burned, branded, raped, enslaved…
Castrated, chained, force aborted, dragged to their death, drowned…
Whipped by bullwhip leather, curfew, disemboweled, amputated…
Ripped screaming from their mother’s arms, isolated and raped at will…
Starved, deprived of education, and Glossectomy sufferers…
To all the perversely black humans ground into nothingness in America --
What more profound thing would you expect a black man to want to own --
Other than the word --


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Patrol Regulations -- Racist Rules In Racist Times Of Rape And Death

CNN aired a one hour news special called "The N Word on 7-1-13." I watched the program... and for what it was, a light look at that word and the wounds it leaves when it is used... it was OK. It was CNN, and so could not get too outrageous.

I applaud the effort and I recommend the program for whites and blacks.

Now I want to add my two cents worth to the N word matter. My comments have absolutely no connection to what CNN did.

The word is Nigger. I was called that word countless times when I was a child living in coastal North Carolina. Black people never called me Nigger... only North Carolina white people called me that word.

Back in those days, I only saw black people, white people and a few of my Native American relatives. I saw Asian people on the television. And nationally, in the '50's and the '60's that was basically the population at large. But, down on the racist coastline of North Carolina... it was white people, a small population of black people and the Native Americans in secluded places out there.

The word is Nigger!

Actually, this piece is not about that word. This piece is about the word RAPE!

In the past few years, after the election of this black President, Republican political white men in general have showed their obsession with rape. This flinging of that term... that usage of that term... that projection of that term into the national mixing bowl soup of language is not some weird anomaly. No -- white men have ALWAYS been obsessed with rape!

Let me tell the stupid of you out there who either want to dismiss white men's hatred of black people, or live in this fantasy that racism is on the decline, or simply don't give a goddamn about the legacy of hate white people are continually leaving to the history books... let me tell you about your fellow white men and their obsession!

In my North Carolina black family, we discuss the memories of our history. We know about the slavery trade from off the boats up the Cape Fear River to land in Fayetteville in the 1700's! We know about our oppression, the segregation, the concerted effort of the state to keep black people ignorant and the legacy of North Carolina's Eugenics Program. To not consider, every day, our pasts that make our futures is... dangerous to our own legacy!

White people do the same thing. I contend that they have much, much more to consider about their legacy of the past. I will focus on their legacy of slavery.

Fayetteville, N.C., 1790... new slaves are loaded onto the wooden platform floor of the Slave Market situated in the middle of downtown. There are 100 slaves -- 50 men and 50 women. They are divided, sectioned off, inspected, bid upon and taken from the marketplace to be sent into unquestionable slavery until the day they die! Each owner has purchased a slave, or slaves, to do with ANY WAY HE DEEMS!

The men are immediately put to work to perform the harshest labor possible -- at gun point in one hand and with Bull Whip in the other hand! They are shackled in chains and worked from day into night. And any male slave who defied the master, or his family or handlers... was subject to instant death... if the Master wanted that slave dead!

But we know there were hellish ways to punish trouble slaves... to make them work!

The women, on the other hand... what did the Masters do with the women? What would the Master's friends do with the women? What would the Master's henchmen do with, or to, the women?

They RAPED them... whenever they goddamn well wanted to! They raped them for brutal control pleasure! They raped them to break them! They raped them to show them who was in control of their very own bodies! They raped them because the were Nigger WOMEN -- and what would a man, a man who answers to no one... a man who has complete control over the lives of women, to the point of killing them at will if they disobey their commands or orders -- what would men with that kind of hateful control do with black "CUNTS" during the time of slavery in America?

Look up the origin of the meanings of the harsh, nasty, hateful word you just read, women! The word has never been uttered by this writer... but I know it... and its origin!

The legacy of white families from Washington State to Maine includes the discussions from women to women about the legacy of their past. So to, do the men discuss the past of the legacy of their family. And if their family proudly owned slaves at one time, they proudly reminisce about the times when the Niggers were not free. And they talk about the times when the Niggers could not vote. And they remember their elders telling them about the times when their elders could RAPE Nigger bitches and fuck them with impunity! And fathers tell their sons those stories... and their sons tell their sons the same stories of the past.

And those were the good old days that those North Carolina Nigger haters want back more than anything else in the world!

Now, in the time of the first Nigger President, the past looks farther away than it has ever looked. And many of these evil racist bastards... with their desire for slavery to come back... have lost their minds and are acting out from the deepest darkest depths of their Id!

The word of the decade is Gerrymander!

Michelle Obama -- attacked by many white racist male Republican politicians, and other racist men, want to rape her and shut her up! They want to rape American women who are battling them on the women's rights issues... to shut them up! They want to rape women who fight them on women's health care issues... to shut them up! They want to rape women for... CONTROL!

Ask the Governor of Virginia! Or, the Governot of North Carolina. Or, the rat bastard liar Governor of Ohio. Or, the Governor of... pick another Republican state!

It is BAT SHIT CRAZY that men who have ascended the political ladder to United States Congressmen will stand before the American people, and cameras, to openly talk about RAPE as though there are NO consequences to their actions and words.

You will NEVER see a black politician make such evil assertions and statements... because to do so would be CRAZY!

A Nigger!
A Nigger bitch!
A Nigger cunt!
A white cunt!
A Nigger Raped
A white women raped by redneck, backwater, hillbilly, snake handling, Pentecostal derision filled craziness, slave owner mentality Republican white men who want to pull the uterus's from women... are proud of their stupidity and their hatred, and disregard of... the Niggers and the needs of the American women they want to -- RAPE!

Think about that, white women of American legacy, the next time you look your white men in their eyes, before you cast your next vote for the next set of white men you want to lead you, and the rest of us, to rape -- or away from rape! The legacy is sitting on your Nigger hating shoulders, white women of America.