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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Don Lemon -- CNN Uncle Tom Turncoat Bastard

I am a 54 year old black man born in a still, to this day, small town in 1959 on coastal North Carolina. The racism I experienced in my youth was overt, KKK dangerous, in my face and forced upon me by racist North Carolina Brunswick County haters of Negros. The word Nigger was used by EVERY white person I came into contact with back then... including children, teachers, the white people across the road, the folks in the grocery store, the police and anyone else white. Calling a black person Nigger, or "NIGRAH" as the phonetic sound forms from white lips, is ingrained in my memory.

Spitting on me also was a common occurrence. I, to this day, hope and pray that a white man spits on me so that I can justify beating a white man to a pulp -- exercising the spit demon living inside me.

And when I see Uncle Tom bastards like CNN's Don Lemon agreeing with the overt likes of Bill O’Reilly… I want to ram my head through the pretentious crystal house he lives in.

Why is Bill O'Reilly commentating on blackness anyway? What normal black man will take advice from that nigger hating bastard?

Don Lemon, apparently! What a dick, he is! As a supposedly smart commentator, or whatever he, Lemon, calls himself, he can’t devise a better way to come at black people than to agree with that racist prick O’Reilly? Has Lemon ever listened to O'Reilly's show? O'Reilly believes black people are jungle savages who cannot eat with a fork and spoon... and are raping America and repopulating it with Nigger monsters!

I do not respect Lemon and I'll never listen to his Uncle Tom commentary again. He is dead to me! And, I am slowly losing my respect for CNN, too. Having one of your commentators agreeing with the racist bastard Bill O'Reilly of FOX NEWS... on CNN time on the television broadcast for millions of people to see, hear and form a negative opinion about CNN because of this turncoat bastard should be sacrilege to CNN. You can bet FOX NEWS would not tolerate one of its hate mongers agreeing with a anti-Fox News CNN opinion.

Believe that, CNN!


1 comment:

  1. I can understand your opinion from the perspective of someone who experienced real racism, not the kind that young people are clammoring about today. There is a difference. However, blacks had a much better sense of pride back then. And what Don Lemon was saying are things meant to preserve and cultivate that self pride, because right now we are embarrassing ourselves.

    Because those before us experienced such an extreme level of racism does not mean that there aren't things that we've done to mess up our own communities and self perception. One of our biggest issues is that any black contrarian, who strays from the plantation of popular black opinion, is labeled an Uncle Tom. The real Uncle Toms are those who parade around on BET, those who strive to be the first to post videos of us beating each other up in a Waffle House or on a Metro Bus, while instigating and shouting "World Star Hip Hop". Where is the contempt for them?
